The Chapin School – Upper School Addition & Renovations

Chapin School Upper School
Chapin School Upper School
Chapin School Upper School Addition
Chapin School Upper School Addition
Chapin School Upper School Addition
Chapin School Upper School Addition
Chapin School Upper School
Chapin School Upper School Addition
Chapin School Upper School Addition
Chapin School Upper School Addition
Chapin School Upper School
Chapin School Upper School
Chapin School Upper School

Project Specifications


The Chapin School 


NK Architects 

Delivery Type 

Negotiated - Cost of the Work Plus a Fee (GMP) - Construction Management 

Sustainability Goal 


Rating System & Version 

LEED for Schools v2009 

Chapin School’s Upper School Addition was the third phase of the campus expansion, commencing during the summer of 2014 and included classrooms, a library, bathrooms and a large commons area. This building was designed and constructed to the same high standards as the Upper School renovation work and the Lower School addition adhering to the standards established by the (USGBC) as a LEED 2009 for Schools New Construction Gold Building.

The campus expansion project also included improved vehicular access to the campus, relocated playgrounds, the replacement of septic systems, and wetlands mitigation and restoration work.

All of the Pre-Construction & Construction Phase services and improvements were undertaken with strict adherence to the United States Green Building Council’s (USGBC) requirements for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver Standards.