Princeton Day School – Phase 2

Project Specifications
Owner Princeton Day School |
Architect Architectural Resources Cambridge, Inc. (ARC) |
Delivery Type Negotiated - Cost of the Work plus a Fee (GMP) - Construction Management |
Square Foot 12,000 |
V.J. Scozzari & Sons, Inc. was the Construction Manager working with the Princeton Day School for the Phase 2 Projects being proposed for the summer of 2018. This project was scheduled to renovate approximately 12,000 square feet of Classrooms for the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) Programs at the School.
The scope of work included: Selective Demolition, Cast-in-Place Concrete, Stone Masonry, Structural Steel, Metal Decking, CFMF, Metal Fabrications, Rough Carpentry, Sheathing, Exterior Finished Carpentry, Interior Architectural Woodworking, Paneling, Bituminous Dampproofing, Fire Resistive Coating on Roof Insulation, Thermal Insulation, Air Barriers, Fiber-Cement Wall Panels, EPDM Roofing, Sheet Metal Flashing & Trim, Firestopping, Joint Sealants, HM Doors & Frames, Interior Aluminum Frames, Flush Wood Doors, Access Doors & Frames, Wood Windows, FHW, Glazing, GWB Systems, Acoustical Ceilings, Vapor Mitigation at Slab, Resilient Flooring, Tile Carpeting, Painting & Coating, Visual Display Surfaces, Signage, Fire Protection Specialties, Metal Lockers, Metal Storage Shelving, Projection Screens, Shades, Fire Protection (Handled Directly By Owner), Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, Electronic Safety & Security, Minor Site Improvements.