Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace
Drug and alcohol abuse is a problem of serious concern in society today. In the workplace substance abuse can be reflected in increased cost, lower productivity, and increased risk to the health and safety of workers, the client, and the public. At V.J. Scozzari & Sons, Inc. we recognize that it is incumbent upon us to take the steps and measures necessary to provide a working environment that is safe and productive and not in any way detrimental to the conduct of the business or the workplace, therefore we have established a policy for addressing alcohol and prohibited substances in the workplace, which is stringently enforced.
It is the policy of the V.J. Scozzari & Sons, Inc. that all employees shall at all times be capable of performing safely and up to satisfactory standards while on a worksite or on other company premises or while acting as a representative of the Company. To this end, we expressly prohibit the possession, sale, use, or distribution of prohibited substances or related paraphernalia on a worksite or on other company premises. Such an act is grounds for immediate penalties and/or dismissal. While at work or performing on behalf of the Company, employees shall not have a measurable level of prohibited substances or alcohol in their system. Enforcement of this policy will be accomplished through screening, testing, and specific disciplinary policies and procedures.